Saturday, 10 July 2010


I was thrown into some deep thought
Why would anyone subject you to this hurt
You strike me as charming, caring and loving
One very worthy of marrying.

I wish we could speed up days
And meet under faint light rays
I will show you true love in a million ways
And never let you off my warm embrace.

To me you mean a lot if i must tell
You brought me out of a great shell
Taught me how to love again
And talked me out of hurts and pains.

I owe you a great deal
Promise you love and trust so true and real
And cutie this is honestly how i feel
Our heaven made relationship let us seal.


You have shone into my life great light
Coloured my world so bright
Made all my wrongs right
How am i ever going to forget that night?

Sure, memories will run deep
Fond thoughts of you i will forever keep
You gave friendship and loving a new meaning
I bless that day and place of our meeting.

To you my love i would not lie
It will be hard saying good bye
I pray that day i would not cry
I pray our friendship we will keep on the high.

You have imparted my life in ways more than a million and one
You are so special and be compared to none
When i grow old and time for stories to be told
I will tell all that a truer and lovelier friend never came into the fold
You are special, precious, unique and worth far more than gold!!!


Having good friends is the loveliest
Playing at being friends the funniest
They will behave like they are the best
And tell you that the devil dwells in the rest.

They will tell you they will be through all with you
But they are only there when all seems bright and new
They will promise to show you the way
But will not say a thing when you sway.

They will promise with you they will go all the way
But will disappear when its dark and show up during the day
They will promise never to leave
But they are there only to deceive.

They will assure you that all they understand
But when you fall, they won't help you stand
They will tell you with you they'll go places
But will not utter a word when you are heading for blazes.

They will tell you that you are radiant and charming
To them your presence is not important but infuriating
They will tell you that they are your best friends
Until they wave goodbye at life's deadliest ends.


Going through so much pain
Excruciating than being under a harsh rain
Or being whipped by a horse rein
This is really driving me insane.

My thoughts run very deep
Happiness my soul cannot keep
At almost every beep
My heart twitches and skip.

I would be a superman if i don't drop a tear
Or stupid if i think this will pass gulping some beer
All i need do is feed myself with faith and not fear
And from my family and friends i need a little of care.

I want to get out of this hole i dug
I need a clear vision and not this fog
I need an overflowing of my jug
HEAVEN, i'm in dire need of a hug!

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