Monday, 26 July 2010

Gains in their gross!!!

You need not be told
Either timid or bold
That HE suffered to bring you to the fold
Paid with HIS blood far precious than gold.

HE took the long road
Carried such a heavy load
To HIM some were gentle and soft like a node
Most yelled and croaked like a toad.

HE was beating almost to a pulp
The cross HE almost gave up
They made HIM take a gulp
From vinegar so bitter in a cup.

They made HIM a crown of thorns
Jews and soldiers were having fun
While HIS disciples and church were made to mourn
They made them scatter and run.

They hung and nailed HIM to the cross
Not knowing at their peril and loss
Hell and death HE overcame and opened wide their doors
HE gave us Salvation, Heaven and Gains in their gross!!!

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