Thursday, 15 July 2010


Hey there friends and loved ones, I know a lot have been said about the lives we live, how we live our lives, things to do and not to do to make our lives much better and enviable. I am not writing this reel off those things we at on stage or the other have heard from our parents, friends, peers, colleagues, co-workers, musicians and the society at large or to give us a go ahead to live our lives how we please (I don not even have that right and authority), I am here to ask why most people chose to live their lives in ways not worthy of emulation, ways so degrading and sometimes debased, they live amiss, not mindful and careful about what the future holds (or even if there is one), not minding what happens at the instant when the life they live and think is theirs is taken away!!!

Many find joy in doing things that bring immediate joy and comfort. Most are so selfish and self centered about the lives they live and care less what happens to the person next to them, their friend, neighbour, talk less of their enemies (which we all are instructed to pray for). I am not living my life to its fullest yet but a realization struck me that to be happy in life (and not the world’s definition of happiness in babes, booze and being a worthless billionaire) we need to make people around us happy as it is truly more blessed to give than to receive and come to think of it, a rich man in the midst of 10 poor men is the poorest of them all. So let us not be deceived.

Almost all religions preach the fact that there is an afterlife and that it is appointed for man to live once and die and after which is judgment… JUDGEMENT is that solemn and humble state where you and I will stand alone and give account for each and every thing we did here on earth, our actions and in-actions and reasons behind them all.

God for sure is a JUST and FAIR JUDGE but believe me he is not BIASED and will not start being biased because of you or me. It is best we live our lives to the fullest and come to think of it, all he requires of man from inception is not a task too hot or mighty to handle… HE SAYS. “Dress and Keep” and we are also supposed to subdue, replenish and multiply.


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