Thursday, 30 September 2010

My country at 50

But our fabric is rotten
So deeply moth eaten
And this plight far from sudden.

Our tribes are rife with hate
Corruption grows at an alarming rate
This present comatose state
Is a huge deviation from this country's fate..

Our lands endowed with fertility

So vast and many yet we enjoy unity
There is so much strength in our diversity
That we hardly exhibit frailty

This nation is indeed mighty
And we hope to stay so for eternity
And this DREAM we hold dear and noot lightly...


Need i say that this nation is far from healthy
Our leaders selfish and very greedy
They loot our vaults and treasury hourly
And with our money constantly making merry!

The youths are so creepy
They venture into enterprise so bloody
They have lost respecct and virtues totally
Hope of a better future they hold faintly!!

Children are so weak and sickly
Streets and everywhere so filthy
Their future and welfare handled poorly
They are engaged in practices so ungodly!!!

The ones unborn sure need to worry
Their future is far from bright or rosy
For them and this country I am deeply soorry
But my words of prayer I will say continually!!!!

Monday, 26 July 2010

Gains in their gross!!!

You need not be told
Either timid or bold
That HE suffered to bring you to the fold
Paid with HIS blood far precious than gold.

HE took the long road
Carried such a heavy load
To HIM some were gentle and soft like a node
Most yelled and croaked like a toad.

HE was beating almost to a pulp
The cross HE almost gave up
They made HIM take a gulp
From vinegar so bitter in a cup.

They made HIM a crown of thorns
Jews and soldiers were having fun
While HIS disciples and church were made to mourn
They made them scatter and run.

They hung and nailed HIM to the cross
Not knowing at their peril and loss
Hell and death HE overcame and opened wide their doors
HE gave us Salvation, Heaven and Gains in their gross!!!

Thursday, 15 July 2010


Hey there friends and loved ones, I know a lot have been said about the lives we live, how we live our lives, things to do and not to do to make our lives much better and enviable. I am not writing this reel off those things we at on stage or the other have heard from our parents, friends, peers, colleagues, co-workers, musicians and the society at large or to give us a go ahead to live our lives how we please (I don not even have that right and authority), I am here to ask why most people chose to live their lives in ways not worthy of emulation, ways so degrading and sometimes debased, they live amiss, not mindful and careful about what the future holds (or even if there is one), not minding what happens at the instant when the life they live and think is theirs is taken away!!!

Many find joy in doing things that bring immediate joy and comfort. Most are so selfish and self centered about the lives they live and care less what happens to the person next to them, their friend, neighbour, talk less of their enemies (which we all are instructed to pray for). I am not living my life to its fullest yet but a realization struck me that to be happy in life (and not the world’s definition of happiness in babes, booze and being a worthless billionaire) we need to make people around us happy as it is truly more blessed to give than to receive and come to think of it, a rich man in the midst of 10 poor men is the poorest of them all. So let us not be deceived.

Almost all religions preach the fact that there is an afterlife and that it is appointed for man to live once and die and after which is judgment… JUDGEMENT is that solemn and humble state where you and I will stand alone and give account for each and every thing we did here on earth, our actions and in-actions and reasons behind them all.

God for sure is a JUST and FAIR JUDGE but believe me he is not BIASED and will not start being biased because of you or me. It is best we live our lives to the fullest and come to think of it, all he requires of man from inception is not a task too hot or mighty to handle… HE SAYS. “Dress and Keep” and we are also supposed to subdue, replenish and multiply.


Saturday, 10 July 2010


I was thrown into some deep thought
Why would anyone subject you to this hurt
You strike me as charming, caring and loving
One very worthy of marrying.

I wish we could speed up days
And meet under faint light rays
I will show you true love in a million ways
And never let you off my warm embrace.

To me you mean a lot if i must tell
You brought me out of a great shell
Taught me how to love again
And talked me out of hurts and pains.

I owe you a great deal
Promise you love and trust so true and real
And cutie this is honestly how i feel
Our heaven made relationship let us seal.


You have shone into my life great light
Coloured my world so bright
Made all my wrongs right
How am i ever going to forget that night?

Sure, memories will run deep
Fond thoughts of you i will forever keep
You gave friendship and loving a new meaning
I bless that day and place of our meeting.

To you my love i would not lie
It will be hard saying good bye
I pray that day i would not cry
I pray our friendship we will keep on the high.

You have imparted my life in ways more than a million and one
You are so special and be compared to none
When i grow old and time for stories to be told
I will tell all that a truer and lovelier friend never came into the fold
You are special, precious, unique and worth far more than gold!!!


Having good friends is the loveliest
Playing at being friends the funniest
They will behave like they are the best
And tell you that the devil dwells in the rest.

They will tell you they will be through all with you
But they are only there when all seems bright and new
They will promise to show you the way
But will not say a thing when you sway.

They will promise with you they will go all the way
But will disappear when its dark and show up during the day
They will promise never to leave
But they are there only to deceive.

They will assure you that all they understand
But when you fall, they won't help you stand
They will tell you with you they'll go places
But will not utter a word when you are heading for blazes.

They will tell you that you are radiant and charming
To them your presence is not important but infuriating
They will tell you that they are your best friends
Until they wave goodbye at life's deadliest ends.


Going through so much pain
Excruciating than being under a harsh rain
Or being whipped by a horse rein
This is really driving me insane.

My thoughts run very deep
Happiness my soul cannot keep
At almost every beep
My heart twitches and skip.

I would be a superman if i don't drop a tear
Or stupid if i think this will pass gulping some beer
All i need do is feed myself with faith and not fear
And from my family and friends i need a little of care.

I want to get out of this hole i dug
I need a clear vision and not this fog
I need an overflowing of my jug
HEAVEN, i'm in dire need of a hug!

Friday, 9 July 2010


Ask me who God will continually BLESS
And I will allow you make a wild guess
If your answers is Agnes
With a happy heart and a warm smile I’ll say yes.

You brought me into this world
Taught me the ways of the Lord
You never spared the rod
Told me I was rare, special and unique but not odd.

You are such a DEAR
You have showed unimaginable love and care
And like gulping plenty of beer
I feel intoxicated having you just near.

Life could not be nicer
Giving me you as my MOTHER
I can’t trade you for none other
If you didn’t hear, I’d scream that again much louder.

Thursday, 24 June 2010


Need i say this nation is far from healthy
Our leaders so selfish and greedy
They hourly loot our vaults and treasury
With our money, constantly making merry.

Her youths are so creepy
They venture into enterprises so bloody
They have lost respect and virtues totally
Hope of a better future they hold faintly.

Children are so sickly
Streets and homes filthy
Their future and welfare handled poorly
They are engaged in practices so ungodly.

The ones yet unborn sure need to worry
Their future is very from from bright and rossy
And for them and this nation i am so sorry
But my words of prayer i will say continually!!!


They tampered with peace and calm
By successfully organizing a sham
That saw the big uncle from the farm
Blabber, offering soothe and balm.

After a deliberate rape of our democracy
By the so called "powers that be"
leaving no good or lasting legacy
Rather showing off greed and idiosyncrasy.

The whole process was a slap on our face
The electorate were treated with no regard of least trace
They saw their votes stolen right in their face
But to whom will they take or plead their case?

Election officials busy rigging
Security agents helping in fraud perpetrating
Party agents termed opposition and singled out for maiming
Or reporters and observers that were objects of merciless beating?

God help Nigeria
We pray our dear country you will deliver

We pray your power shall mightily move in this country
And change or wipe off leaders not worthy
Replacing them with the selfless and witty
That have at heart the well being of all and sundry.


Take a proper look
Millions of kids without a book
Walking around downcast and weary
Oh what a look; SCARY!

The youths are involved in violence
Thrown away life's essence
They have made gaols thick and dense
Death now cheaper than a pence

The older generation
They represent corruption
They have driven this nation
Into mucky waters of stagnation
If not even sharp regression
They have earned us condemnation
And total discrimination

The government is ill
They do not care what or how the citizens feel
All that they can, they steal
Dreams and hopes they daily kill
Their purse and accounts they constantly fill
What a crazy and mis-channelled zeal
Oh what an awful look; MY NERVES AND SPINE ICE CHILL!!!

Tuesday, 22 June 2010


let us walk together for a minute
and let go of some heat

let us sit and stare at the stars
totally forgetting our scars

putting behind our fears
and always staying near

with our hearts filled with care
being forever each others dear!


you are so simple
your face without a pimple
lovely smile with a pimple
you make me go purple


it stood so huge and tall
but great soon was its fall
shouting and walking around was all
that brought down Jericho's wall


never live your life like a toss of the dice
trust God and lift up your eyes
for you HE will surely arise
'cos HE already paid the ultimate price