Thursday, 30 September 2010

My country at 50

But our fabric is rotten
So deeply moth eaten
And this plight far from sudden.

Our tribes are rife with hate
Corruption grows at an alarming rate
This present comatose state
Is a huge deviation from this country's fate..

Our lands endowed with fertility

So vast and many yet we enjoy unity
There is so much strength in our diversity
That we hardly exhibit frailty

This nation is indeed mighty
And we hope to stay so for eternity
And this DREAM we hold dear and noot lightly...


Need i say that this nation is far from healthy
Our leaders selfish and very greedy
They loot our vaults and treasury hourly
And with our money constantly making merry!

The youths are so creepy
They venture into enterprise so bloody
They have lost respecct and virtues totally
Hope of a better future they hold faintly!!

Children are so weak and sickly
Streets and everywhere so filthy
Their future and welfare handled poorly
They are engaged in practices so ungodly!!!

The ones unborn sure need to worry
Their future is far from bright or rosy
For them and this country I am deeply soorry
But my words of prayer I will say continually!!!!